Saturday, March 19, 2016

Hearthstone: Corrupted Berserker

Here's an image I painted for the upcoming Hearthstone set, Whispers of the Old Gods. It was an absolute blast to create as it gave me the opportunity to really push the character, colors and forms (you can twist and turn tentacles so they go in whatever shape and direction you'd like).

I'm able to share this now, before the set is released,  because the artwork has been "spoiled". It's been used as part of a worldwide ad campaign to promote Whispers of the Old Gods. I found out the other day that this image is now a mural in Australia! It would be an understatement to say I'm thrilled about that. I'm sharing a  photo of the mural here. I wish I could credit the photographer but unfortunately, I don't know who took the picture (so if if any of you do, please let me know and I'll update this post with a credit).


  1. Congrats, it's an awesome painting!

    It looks like Blizzard of AUS. took the picture.
    The facebook of the company they contracted for the work

  3. Do you sell any prints by chance?

    1. I do sell prints but contractually, I can't sell prints of Hearthstone art until 3 months after publication so I won't have prints of this piece available for a while.

    2. Does that mean 3 months after this post, 3 months after the art was "spoiled", or 3 months after release of the actual set?

    3. Unfortunately, it means 3 months after the release of the actual set which, in this case, means prints will probably be available in late July or in August.

      I usually offer 8" x 10" prints of my work but I may do a special edition of 11" x 14" giclee prints for this piece too.

  4. Amazing art! I love the tentacle holding one of the swords.

    I live in Melbourne and went and took some photos of the mural when it was almost complete:

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Gabriel... and for the photos. I appreciate them.

      Painting those tentacles was fun. :)
